Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Begging for $5 Milkshakes

Meghan: "I know the answer is probably no, but......"

Me: "Hope springs eternal?"

Ethan: "Huh. I though it was denial that sprang eternal around here."

Never a truer word was spoken. Smartass.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Baby Lust and Birth Control

This is my nephew. . .

See his little chubby cheeks? And the red feathery hair reminds me of my son when he was tiny.

There is baby neck snuggling. And buttery soft skin. And little hands that cling like starfish.

This is the sweetness of babies that is at the heart of baby lust.

And this is birth control reasserting its way back into my rational mind.

See my nephew? He is sitting in the SnuggleEgg, watching the big kids hunt Easter eggs at my mother and dad's house.

See the look on his face? His mother just went around the front of the house. And he is what we colloquially call 'strange'. As in, "He's ten months old now; he's a little strange with people."

"Where is she? I don't think I can survive without her! I'm stuck in this damn SnuggleEgg, and everyone is laughing and it's not funny and where is she???"

"Why aren't you people helping me in my time of need???"

Every time my sister moved out of his eyeshot, this child cried heartbreakingly. And that is enough to remind me that I've have gone through this with my own sweet babies and that I'm glad that we all made it though in one piece. I don't want to go back there again.

See that man in the background? He's glad that the birth control wins over the baby lust. He the one who had to stay with two crying babies every time I went to work, to class, or to Target to find some sanity. And he's glad that our kids are not strange anymore.

Springiness and all that...

Spring, the season of Easter eggs, church, dresses, candy overload and.... fishing!
Here is our Easter weekend, in semi-reverse order. Or you may call that random order. Whatever. Roll the tape.

My nieces, waiting for the appointed hour of the Easter egg hunt
at Grammy and Pappy's on Saturday...

Trying on the new Easter dresses that Grammy made.
(and not holding very still for a picture, too.)

Checking out the loot!

Going to a Easter trick or treat on Good Friday
at our local minor league ball park with friends.

Fishing on Maundy Thursday because Jesus said to be a fisher of men?
No, actually, fishing because it was a teacher inservice day in the kids' district, so it

This is typically how the kids engage in fishing.

A teeny snapper.

A huge Froggy.

A Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dog Farts

Watching a movie....
Drinking a cup of tea.....


Just another day in the life....