geocaching post alert
warning:: boring post warning:: boring post
geocaching post alert
When we went geocaching during our Cowan's Gap camping trip, we cached at Carrick Furnace. It is an old furnace that looks similar to limestone kilns in our area but it has some of the old steam powered equipment remaining. According to the Franklin Co. Historical Society, this furnace was built in the 1820's and was last used in 1884. It's on the National Register, and, lo and behold, we would not have seen it or explored it without geocaching. Viewing other kilns like this, I was never able to picture how they worked. Not that I understand it any better now, but at least I have more of a visual. Admittedly, these are among the more boring of historical buildings, but I was there, damnit, so now you get to see it as well. You're welcome.

Are you sure there are no snakes around here?
I am totally serious.
There had better not be any snakes.