Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Statuary Necropolis or The Freaky Greeks, Part 1

We live in a small town that used to be a stop on the Pennsylvania canal. When I first moved here, I wondered why there was such a concentration of antique shops; it's not particularly picturesque, but there are are at least 5 plus an antiques mall/flea market on our 10 block long main drag. At some point, and I have no APA citations to support this, I read that our town was a stop for unloading all the canal boats before the goods headed up the mountains by rail. Hence, the remnants of this confluence are the little shops that remain. At one of our three stoplights, there is a antiques business that specializes in all kinds of statuary. While they usually have a good assortment of eagles, lions, and bare butts*, it is their newest acquisition that stunned us when it showed up.

He is HUGE. Part of me is awed every time we drive by, and the other part of me giggles. Who the heck is going to put this in their yard? Seriously. I hope some museum buys it or some small town for their historical society yard. For now, we are enjoying him. I had to take a picture before someone buys him, which pretty much guarantees he'll be looking in our bathroom window from a block away for the foreseeable future.

While I was there, I found some other interesting characters:

Who doesn't want Aslan living in their 'hood?

I don't know why I'm cuddling a fish.

Don't look behind you, but that idiot is still throwing fish at us.

No, it's MY turtle!

Herp de derp!

Have a drink, dear. Oh, you're falling down the hill? My bad.

Sister, would you care to dance?
Why, yes, Sister, I would love to!

Humph. Dancing is fine for some people.

Tee hee, we can't dance! We are weird cat/sphinx/Victorian lady people!!

Foie gras, anyone? comment!

Why, yes, they ARE adorable....wait, what are they again?

Don't ask me again! Didn't you hear me? Nevermore!

Okay, so that last one was pretty pathetic, but I'm overwhelmed by the awesomeness of these statues. As Ethan said, "Those Greeks, Mom, they were pretty freaky."

*Gratuitous butt shot:

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